Why Take a Business Health and Value Assessment?

Understanding the value of your restoration business is crucial, especially if you're considering selling or just want to ensure your business is healthy and thriving.

For starters we'll look at your Enterprise Value. This is a measure of a company's total value, encompassing not just its market capitalization but also its debt, minority interest, and cash on hand. It's a comprehensive metric that provides a clear picture of what your business is truly worth.

Why does this matter? Because healthy businesses are exit-ready businesses.

Business Health & Value Assessment

Did you know...

Only 30% of businesses listed for sale actually find a buyer? Even more striking, just 10% of those sell for the price their owners anticipated or higher, meaning only 3% of all business owners achieve their desired sale price. By focusing on understanding and enhancing your enterprise value, you can significantly boost your chances of joining that successful 3%.


Maximize Your Enterprise Value

At FLOODLIGHT, we leverage our extensive industry experience and expertise to help you maximize your business's value. Our goal is to ensure you end up in the top 3% of business owners who achieve or exceed their desired sale price.

What's Included in the Business Health & Value Report?

When you complete our assessment, which takes less than 15 minutes, you will receive a free, comprehensive report that includes:

  • LITE Valuation Of Your Business: A clear benchmark valuation to begin with.
  • Your Value Multiplier Per Your Industry: Insight into how your business compares within your industry.
  • Health Assessment Per Our Propeller Methodology: An evaluation of your business's health using our proven methodology.
  • Business Value & Growth Roadmap Tailored For You: A customized plan to enhance your business value and growth.
  • Value Acceleration Strategies: Specific strategies to accelerate your business's value.

Take control of your business's future today. Complete our Business Health and Value Assessment and start your journey towards maximizing your enterprise value.

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Of Our Consultants Are Former Owner Operators


Years Of Experience Owning & Operating Restoration Companies


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Discover What Our Clients Say About Our Services

Excellent presentation. Selling Training with a Building Restoration emphasis. It was really cool these gentlemen encouraged dialogue & class participation. NO one wants to hear a lecturer pontification endlessly without an infusion of new ideas from the audience. They were willing to learn despite being the paid consultants. That "humility" was refreshing.

Sean Sartor

The guys from FLOODLIGHT came to our team just at the right time. Sometimes, leaders struggle to see what is truly going on within your business and self reflection is always difficult. They will take a deep dive with you to get a true pulse of your business. I would highly recommend an engagement with them. Don’t forget to ask about the master course for your sales team. It’s a game changer.

Whalen Family

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