FLOODLIGHT's Head, Heart, & Boots Podcast

Restoration Industry Podcast Made By Restorers For Restorers.

Join us for weekly episodes covering leadership development, mentorship, restoration sales, cutting-edge technologies in the space, and actionable strategies to grow your business and leave a legacy.

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Discover What Our Clients Say About Our Services

Chris and Brandon have been able to provide the insights and strategies necessary to scale my business. Chris and Brandon helped me through identifying who my key leaders are. I have empowered my core group with decision making which has freed up my time to focus on the future rather than daily to-dos. My stress has always been self-inflicted and had gotten to a point of being a fireman everyday. Honestly I don't feel that anymore, and can see a bright future. Chris and Brandon can provide the guidance to make sure your axe stays sharp.

Tim Crane

Floodlight Consulting Group has made a huge impact on the trajectory of my company and on myself personally. These guys get it, they know the industry and understand how to build simple processes that yield high results, have clearly associated metrics for scoring your team, and that make it easier for your people to do the right thing than the wrong thing. They are also experts in marketing and sales and can assist in building that side out effectively.

Tate Petersen

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